I’ve updated my VTOL/Flaps Controls Mod for Arma 3. It now works with any and all aircraft that exist in the game whether that be vanilla, modded or addon.
You can check out this useful mod here:

Version 1.3 of my Sharks – Spex Species is now live and available for download from Steam.
I just released a new version of my addon for Arma 3: Sharks – Apex Species
Available on Steam here:
Since man first enterered the ocean, he has feared the shark. Stories, films and games have fed this fear giving the shark a monster-like reputation as a man-eating killer. This reputation is mainly based on fear and misunderstanding. According to the Australian Institute of Marine Science, 10 deaths per year are caused by sharks worldwide. But according to a report in Marine Policy, an estimated 100 million sharks are killed indirectly and directly by humans every year.
This addon puts two sharks into Arma 3, a male (Sam) and a female (Diane). I’ve created the AI to be as realistic as possible. They explore. They hunt. But they will only hunt a human in the complete absence of four other types of commonly found fish. This gives you the opportunity to swim with them, study them and try to understand them in relative safety. Will they attack you? Only if you are the only large animal within 50 meters after the Salema, Tuna, Mullet and Mackerel fish. So most of the time, you can enjoy your time with them. But if you are unlucky, they might just hunt you.